Marian Silberstein

202.470.6464 fax

Marian E. Silberstein, Ph.D. is a patent agent at Brake Hughes Bellermann LLP. Marian has extensive experience in preparing and prosecuting patent applications in a wide variety of technology areas, including semiconductors, micro-electromechanical sensors, multimedia entertainment systems, optical and display technologies, wireless communications, automotive, software, and medical devices. Marian has significant experience providing technical analysis for intellectual property litigation, PTAB proceedings, licensing, and patent opinions, and has performed patent due diligence for numerous corporate transactions, including mergers, acquisitions, and financing deals.

Prior to her legal career, Marian was a senior engineer and engineering manager at Intel Corporation. She was awarded Intel’s highest honor for her role in building the first strained silicon transistors, a revolutionary innovation that put Intel a generation ahead of its competitors. Early in her career, she was a Captain in the U.S. Air Force in various roles, including performing laboratory research, managing defense technology development contracts, and teaching physics at the U.S. Air Force Academy. Marian conducted her doctoral dissertation research in theoretical and computational space plasma physics, funded under Air Force, National Science Foundation, and NASA sponsorships.

• Cornell University, Ph.D. Electrical Engineering
• Cornell University, M.S. Electrical Engineering
• Cornell University, B.S. Electrical Engineering

Bar and Court Admissions:
• Registered to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office